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Summer Hair & Scalp Tips For Men

April 15, 2015

When the weather gets warm, many of us men are a lot more active. We spend more time outdoors and in the pool. We sweat more, we get sunburned, and all the stuff that comes with summer. This time of year also presents some new challenges when it comes to caring for our hair and scalp. Today at The Men’s Room in Milwaukee, your source for American Crew Shampoo and Fiber, we’ve got some tips for summer hair and scalp care for men to keep your hear looking healthy and protected from the damages of summer.

  • Get A Short Haircut: Just like taking off clothes, taking off the hair will help you keep cooler by allowing heat to escape from your scalp and the back of your neck.
  • Protect your hair from pool water. The problem with pool water is that it contains harsh chlorine that can damage your hair, leaving it feeling like straw. Let’s not forget that ugly green hue, too. To keep your hair from soaking up pool water, a swimming cap is a good option, but I also recommend taking a spray bottle filled with water and a few teaspoons of leave-in conditioner.
  • Protect your scalp from sunburn. When applying sunscreen, the scalp is often the most overlooked area (but, unfortunately, one that is highly prone to skin cancers). Just because you have hair, doesn’t mean the sun isn’t reaching your scalp (especially at the crown and especially if your hair is thin or fine). Before going out, make sure to apply sunscreen to the scalp — often I use a little of the spray-on suncreen and just rub it around and let it double as my styling product.